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145 lines
; $VER: ClassAction V3.0 Installer
; Script to install Release 3.0 of ClassAction
(complete 0)
(set #Abort
(cat "NO"
(set #Overwrite
(cat "YES"
(set #conf
(cat "\n\nDo you want to install standard config files\n"
"on your system , if this is your first installation\n"
"I recommand you to install them."
(set #conf-help
(cat "\n\nThe installer wants to know if it is needed to\n"
"install standard config files.\n\n"
"If you have a config file already installed\n"
"just select the NO button\n"
"to keep your own config."
(set #warn-kickstart-text
(cat "\n ClassAction 3.0 needs MUI 3.0+\n\n\n"
"ClassAction has been written for MUI 3.0 or higher."
"\n\nIt will NOT work if you don't have MUI Installed\n\n"
"Continue Install Only if you have MUI"
(set #DOC-query-text
(cat "Where do you which\nto install documentation"
(set #DOC-query-help
(cat "\n\nYou have now to choose a directory where\n"
"you want to install the guide file\n\n"
"Just click on it with your mouse and"
" select proceed"
(set #CA-query-text
(cat "Where do you which\nto install ClassAction\nmain program"
(set #CA-query-help
(cat "\n\nYou have now to choose a directory where\n"
"you want to install the main program file\n\n"
"Just click on it with your mouse and"
" select proceed"
(set #CAP-query-text
(cat "Where do you which\nto install ClassActionPrefs"
(set #CAP-query-help
(cat "\n\nYou have now to choose a directory where\n"
"you want to install the Prefs program file\n\n"
"Just click on it with your mouse and"
" select proceed\n"
"you can select SYS:Prefs if you don't know where to\n"
" install it..."
(set #ver-help
(cat "\n\nIf you Update an older version\n"
"the icon file of ClassAction\n\n"
"will not be copied, to avoid erasing\n"
"your tooltypes setup\n"
(set #goodbye
(cat "\nClassAction is now installed."
(set ver (/ (getversion) 65536) )
(set warning (#warn-kickstart-text ver) ) (message warning)
(set thedir (askdir (prompt #CA-query-text) (help #CA-query-help) (default "SYS:WbStartup")))
(makeassign "CAHOME" thedir)
(message "\nYou are updating an old version of ClassAction\n\nDon't forget to read the guide\nabout the new tooltypes defined\nAnd ALL new features of the 3.0 version.")
(copyfiles (source "ClassAction") (dest thedir))
(run "utt CAHOME:ClassAction ClassAction CAHOME:ClassAction")
(copyfiles (source "ClassAction") (dest thedir) (infos))
(complete 25)
(set thedir (askdir (prompt #CAP-query-text) (help #CAP-query-help) (default "SYS:Prefs")))
(copyfiles (source "ClassActionPrefs") (dest thedir) (infos) )
(complete 50)
(set thedir (askdir (prompt #DOC-query-text) (help #DOC-query-help) (default "HELP:")))
(copyfiles (source "English/ClassAction.guide") (dest thedir) (infos) )
(complete 75)
(makedir ("ENVARC:ClassAction"))
;(if(askbool (prompt #conf) (help #conf-help) ) (
(copyfiles (source "English/ClassAction.prefs") (dest "ENVARC:ClassAction"))
(copyfiles (source "English/ClassAction_Gen.prefs") (dest "ENVARC:ClassAction"))
(copyfiles (source "English/ClassAction_Dir.prefs") (dest "ENVARC:ClassAction"))
(if(exists("ENVARC:ClassAction.prefs")) (
(copyfiles (source "ENVARC:ClassAction.prefs") (dest "ENVARC:ClassAction"))
(delete ("ENVARC:ClassAction.prefs"))
(if(exists("ENVARC:ClassAction_Gen.prefs")) (
(copyfiles (source "ENVARC:ClassAction_Gen.prefs") (dest "ENVARC:ClassAction"))
(delete ("ENVARC:ClassAction_Gen.prefs"))
(complete 100)
(message #goodbye)
(exit (quiet))